In 2024, the renowned TOTEM Society, known for its exceptional events, will mark its anniversary at the prestigious Tropical Temptation, a beloved Tribal Bohemian Beach Club. This collaboration assures you a unique experience—a fusion of nature’s melodies and soul-stirring rhythms. Mark your calendar on March 29, 2024, for this historic celebration poised to redefine coastal revelry as we know it.
Set against the pristine backdrop of Melasti Beach, this event invites you to dance on the soft white sands and feel the rhythm beneath your feet. Renowned artists like Pippi Ciez from ‘All Day I Dream’ will serenade the shore with mesmerizing tunes, while Oppaacha & Rendelman from ‘Diynamic,’ and Jose’ & Stay Golden seamlessly fuse their sounds. With Waxwood and Timo MC Roum on the lineup, prepare for a spellbinding musical journey.
As the sun sets and twilight descends, witness the enchanting Fire Dance performances against the backdrop of the dusky sky. Our carefully curated entertainment promises to captivate your senses, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Inspired by the legendary Tulum Beach Project, TOTEM ANNIVERSARY goes beyond a mere celebration, it embodies a movement. Designed to unite nature, music, and community in an exotic adventure, this experience invites you to be part of something truly extraordinary.
With the waves as our canvas and the stars as our guide, TOTEM ANNIVERSARY is where the magic happens. Gather your tribe to create unforgettable memories together. Secure your favorite spot now via